Tuesday, September 1, 2015

2015 UT/NV Ride 
05-21 September, 2015

The map above is the latest approximation of the ride in Garmin's MapSource software. This is the software that, although obsolete, works beautifully with "Gertrude"; my Garmin 2720.....which is, uh,also obsolete. I'm seeing a pattern here.

The second map is from Microsoft Streets and Trips, which, come to think of it, is also obsolete.  Numbered locations (in yellow boxes) are to force the software along a specific route.  Quarter moons are approximate overnight stops, +/- 50 miles.  I can tell you up front that it is wrong because my first day will take me all the way to Clarksville, TN.  However, when planning the night before it gives me the best overall guestimates of where I might want to plan my stops.  As with all of our trips, all plans are thrown out the window (figuratively speaking) as soon as we leave home.

2014's Mid-State Ride and the 2013 US Four Corners Ride helped me fill in the US States Ridden map below (plus a few we had picked up over the years).  This past Memorial Day we knocked out Rhode Island, which we had missed by 20 (COUNT'EM - 20!) miles in 2013.  My goal for this trip is to fill in the final two CONUS states; thereby giving us 49 states total ridden (we got Alaska in 2006).

The bottom line to all of this is...it's all about the ride.  We've got a 2008 Honda Goldwing 1800.  It had just over 16,000 miles on it when I bought it used in 2010.  Now?  It's got over 80,000 and when this jaunt is over we'll have broken 86.5K.  Oh, did I mention the full day of mountain riding in Colorado with my brother-in-law and a friend?  Like I said, it's all about the ride (ok, and seeing all the grand kids!).

The trip photographer and navigator will join me in Kansas at the end of day two, so if I can I'll take a few shots on days one and two.  No promises.

An Addendum: As I was packing the trailer and checking tire pressures, I found one of the valve stems leaked when I leaned the stem in the slightest bit; like just checking the pressure.  A mad dash with the trailer to Rick's Auto Repair in Sneads Ferry and now I have two new valve stems installed to start the trip.  Mad kudos to Rick's for getting me in and out as quickly as they did!!!  I could not have made it to the next county without'em.