Day 17 - Lake Lure, NC to Home
342 Miles
6932 miles total!!
6932 miles total!!
We stayed at a B&B last night and upon arrival we found the place about 150 yards up a steep concrete then gravel driveway. And I do mean steep! We were about 20 yards up (read as already committed with a bike and trailer) when all of a sudden it turned to gravel. The dotted line is approximately where that happened. Then, near the top the driveway took a fairly hard right turn to get to the top.
This is a snapshot off Google Maps. When we went to supper last night (right at dusk) Denise walked down the hill. This morning, she rode down with me. I guess since I made it safely to the bottom the first time she figured I could make it down again. Oh, and when we got back last night it was raining when we went up the hill the second time.
Worth mentioning at this point, rain. We so lucked out. With the exception of simply seeing rain in the distance a number of times along the ride, last night was the only time in 17 days that we actually had to deal with it. We consider that something of a miracle. Then again, there was a fair amount of praying throughout.
This was the B&B we stayed at.
Once on the road this morning we made our way to Shelby, NC and this was only the second time I've been to Shelby (out of ~6) when it did not rain on me. From Shelby, we cut down across South Carolina to bypass Charlotte. The ride was pretty, but not a lot of variations in the scenery.
We did see two things that were cool. First, we passed by what is believed to be the oldest cotton press still in existence.
Then, we went by Darlinton Speedway. Even the pictures look fast!
Finally we were passing through Wilmington, NC and at that moment knew we were almost home.
Interestingly enough, when we got home we saw some of the prettiest flowers on the ride; which had been neglected for over two weeks. (Denise knows her hardy plants!) We even saw a welcoming face!
I'll do a wrap-up posting in a couple days, but tomorrow it's back to work. Just enough time to shower for the evening. G'night.
*Route total updated to add the final day. 6932 miles total.